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Status Needs clarification
Workspace SRM
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 20, 2023

work from one location / division

When searching sales inventory it would be really helpful to be able to search one location. not have the system bring up all of our locations. Would save time when you think you have a part and cannot find it. then when you go back to the system because you are losing your mind and double check it still shows you as having it. but when you click the qty on hand and it goes to the location screen it then shows you as having that part in a different location. very frustrating. having the ability to stay in one location and not all would be great. we do not use this program for only rentals. we maintain an inventory of sales parts

How often would this idea be used? Daily
How much time would you save when the idea is implemented? It would save hours of work
How many people at your company would benefit from this idea? A Team or Group of People(5-25)
What problem is your idea trying to solve?

see above

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  • Admin
    John Hellens
    Jan 4, 2024

    Where within SRM are you searching? Document searches can be defined and limited to your store.

    I would like to understand the areas used so we can investigate