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Workspace SRM
Created by Donna Smith-Hill
Created on Jan 11, 2024

Purchase Orders - Multiple Divisions

Ability when creating a purchase order for same vendor but costs need to be associated to various division that the division allocation is based upon each line entry and not at header. This I understand would only be of benefit if goods are being WHR under the same location.

How often would this idea be used? Daily
How much time would you save when the idea is implemented? It would save hours of work
How many people at your company would benefit from this idea? A Team or Group of People(5-25)
What problem is your idea trying to solve?

Duplication and double handling

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  • Donna Smith-Hill
    Jun 21, 2024

    Hi Alex,

    So when you say you can distribute inventory to another location is this through the warehouse receiving or do you mean that you have to do the inventory transfer in another window. We are trying to illiminate having to go into multiple areas by have the ability to assign a location by line rather than at the header stage.

  • Alex Kress
    Feb 23, 2024

    Donna, have you look at the Central Purchasing and Distribution setting in Configuration - Company Parameters - Inventory Parameters?
    This allows you to purchase items on one PO to a central location and then distribute them with inventory transfers to the locations you want them. Clients use this to increase savings when buying sales products/parts.
    This would then allocate the value of those products to location it is distributed to.


    Because of conflicts, this processing cannot be activated if Sales Item Average Cost By Location is activated in the company Support Application Parameters.
    The feature is also only enabled if Inventory is Received in the Warehouse is activated.

    Uncheck this box if there is only one location, or if inventory is ordered and received directly at the individual locations.

    Check this box to activate the central purchasing and distribution processing as outlined in Central Purchasing Overview.

    Central Purchasing Flow:
    This process controls inventory ordering and receiving from a central location, and then monitors distribution to the end locations using the branch transfer tracking process.
    Inventory Setup: This central purchasing and distribution applies only to inventory that has been setup to be re-ordered by location, in the product Re-Order windows of Sales Inventory or Rental Inventory, and is NOT flagged there as "Special Order".
    Ordering: When such inventory is ordered in the Purchase Orders or Inventory Re-Order Report, a distribution window opens prompting for the quantities being ordered by location.
    Receiving: Also when the order is received in Warehouse Receiving a distribution window opens prompting for the quantities received on behalf of the end locations.
    Distribution: An in-transit inventory transfer record is then generated to track the location and quantity movement through Internal Transfer Console.