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Workspace SRM
Created by Amanda Craig
Created on Mar 20, 2024

Create a function to have "All Email Types" default to ticked.

This is in regards to the "All Email Types" box that appears at the bottom of the "Add cash customer" screen whilst creating a new reservation. It defaults to being unticked and we would like to have the choice to change the default to being ticked.

Why is it useful: The sales team are used to quickly entering through certain areas of the screen and therefore miss ticking this new box. It would be much easier if it could default to being ticked.

Who would benefit: All the sales team as it would save them having yet another box or field to interact with.

How should it would: Create a function within the System Maintenance part of the system where we can have the option to choose the default option for this box, "Default to: Ticked or Unticked" and we simply select the option we want.

How often would this idea be used? Daily
How much time would you save when the idea is implemented? It would save me minutes of work
How many people at your company would benefit from this idea? Most people (25 + )
What problem is your idea trying to solve?

Simply trying to save time by making this process default to being auto done.

FYI I have said it would save minutes of time but this is per new order that requires a new customer to get entered, which in our line of work can be multiple per day so overall it would save a lot of time.

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