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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 21, 2024

ADD workorder ( committed inventory) in Sales inventory screen

this would allow to better manager incoming inventory and to allocate to the proper document. currently in Sales inventory screen, on the top right hand corner, you can see if an item is on a contract, on s reservation or a sales order, however, workorder is not part of this list. Please add

How often would this idea be used? Daily
How much time would you save when the idea is implemented? It would save a month of work
How many people at your company would benefit from this idea? A Team or Group of People(5-25)
What problem is your idea trying to solve?

allocate the proper inventory to the proper document

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    John Hellens
    Jun 28, 2024

    Great news! This idea already exists in our product and is available now.

    The detailed inventory inquiry contains the work order information for any sales part