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Workspace Texada Web
Created by John Hellens
Created on Aug 25, 2023

Work Order: Support for Bulk Rental Asset Quantity

Issue Description

When creating a WO and assigning an Asset to be worked, when servicing a Bulk Rental asset there is no way to specify the quantity of that bulk asset that is being worked to appropriately update availability.

Client scenario: They have a bulk asset of “Hose Couplers” that they have several hundred of. A job could consist of 30 of these units, and upon rental return they require maintenance to clear them for their next job. This maintenance is not trivial, and can take several days.

Currently if the asset is placed on WO to track this work, the entire quantity of this bulk asset is then considered unavailable vs just the 30 units.

How often would this idea be used? Monthly
How much time would you save when the idea is implemented? It would save hours of work
What problem is your idea trying to solve?

managing bulk availability when repairing tools

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