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Status Needs review
Workspace SRM
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 5, 2025

To track the date that a workorder is closed, to enable performance measures around how long a workorder is left open.

We would like to track how long a workorder is left open, to ensure that we are responding to issues efficiently. To do this we need to know when a workorder is closed. Currently (According to support), "... there is no direct way or even a workaround to provide this information as it's simply not a data point that's logged.".

How often would this idea be used? Weekly
How much time would you save when the idea is implemented? We cannot operate without it
How many people at your company would benefit from this idea? A Team or Group of People(5-25)
What problem is your idea trying to solve?

The current inability to identify where there are performance issues.

  • Attach files