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Status Planned - to be scheduled
Workspace SRM
Created by Guest
Created on May 22, 2024


When entering invoices in AP invoices we have limited digit space when entering the invoice number there is only 9 digits for the invoice number that show up on the check stub. Can you please change the digit space to 30. When we print checks the first part of the invoice number is cut off on the payment stub and the vendor is either applying the payment incorrectly, the vendor sends the check back because they don’t know what invoice to apply it to or they send late notice showing missed payment and this includes late fees. The reference line on the AP invoice holds plenty of digit space, why can't the invoice number line?

How often would this idea be used? Daily
How much time would you save when the idea is implemented? It would save hours of work
How many people at your company would benefit from this idea? Everyone
What problem is your idea trying to solve?

Payment late fees, payments applied incorrectly and returned checks because they cannot identify what invoice to apply to.

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  • Admin
    Mythily Sureshkanan
    Jun 17, 2024

    This ideas has been reviewed, but requires some more clarification on the specific request and business impact.
    The invoice number is a significant effort and the work required is prohibitive. A potential work around would be to print the invoice reference instead of the invoice for the vendor portion. Does this seem a reasonable alternative ?

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