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Status Needs more votes
Workspace Texada Web
Created by Donna Smith-Hill
Created on Jul 29, 2024

drag and drop assigned tickets

You can drag and drop tickets into drivers and reorganize in order however you can't when not assigned. Would be good to drag and drop unassigned tickets within various sort criteria's based upon company requirements. IE: in our case would be beneficial to sort according to location so we can group tickets within the same area prior to assigning

How often would this idea be used? Daily
How much time would you save when the idea is implemented? It would save minutes of work
How many people at your company would benefit from this idea? A Team or Group of People(5-25)
What problem is your idea trying to solve?

you have to widen the columns and then it reverts back after resyncing which is one issue in itself.

Assist schedulers not familiar with areas to know surrounding suburbs that they can potentially assign to the same driver

Can do within the driver after its assigned so why can't we do when sitting within yet to be assigned

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  • Admin
    Mythily Sureshkanan
    Jul 29, 2024

    The idea has been reviewed by the Product Team, and may be considered for the roadmap. In the meantime it will remain in this status so other customers can vote and discuss the idea here. Votes and engagement around the ideas are data points the product team uses when prioritizing the product roadmap.