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Status Needs more votes
Workspace Texada Web
Created by Alex Kress
Created on Sep 10, 2024

Ability to enable Dynamic Pricing

Dyanmic Pricing, rental rates could be set to change automatically when time utilization is high and group availability is low. The system should allow you to define which groups are included and what percentage(s) to adjust up or down based on the time utilization and availability.

As a Rouse Analytics subscriber, it would be best to understand not only the time utilization and availability for my assets but for those around me (competitors) as well. This is something Rouse can provide.

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    John Hellens
    Oct 21, 2024

    The idea has been reviewed by the Product Team, and may be considered for the roadmap. In the meantime it will remain in this status so other customers can vote and discuss the idea here. Votes and engagement around the ideas are data points the product team uses when prioritizing the product roadmap.