Import Misc. Journal Entry - Vendor to Account Matching
Other accounting applications (Quickbooks) off the ability for a user to import their bank/credit card statement, the system will match up the "transaction name" and link it to a vendor and GL account. Exceptions will be handled by selecting a ven...
Request for print to work in View Contracts screen
Received a report from an operator out of W71 where they would like an option for the system to print the contract when they double click on the contract number in the view contracts screen from: Inventory Inquiry > Product Information > Vie...
Currently Views can only be edited/deleted by the Creator of the view: other operators can use, or save a copy to be edited, but not remove them. If that Creator is unknown or no longer exists there is no way to remove that view if it is no longer...
Ben Ashton
6 months ago
in Texada Web
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Request for go back Button or to be able to use the Escape key to go back to work order header
Received a request from an operator on if there is a way to go back or to be able to use the Escape key to go back to the work order header? At this time there is nothing in pace? The request is to have a button added to depress allowing to get to...
Trigger a Rental Return from Contract list and Contract Edit
Having to jump between multiple screens to execute tasks is bothersome. Have a button to start the return from the contract list and from the edit contract. I find myself going to the contract list to find the contract, confirm this is the one I w...
Alex Kress
12 months ago
in Texada Web
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Provide a view of open and closed work orders, plus their status the ability to drill down to view, print, email download (very similar to Open Contracts).
Alex Kress
6 months ago
in GateWay
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